Definition - a noisy disagreement or commotion
Synonyms – brawl, fray
Antonyms – harmony, peace
E.g. To avoid a fracas on the plane, the flight attendant gave the angry customer free drink coupons.
2. Perchance
Definition- by chance
Synonyms – may be, perhaps
Antonyms – clearly, definitely
E.g. If we were more self-confident, perchance we would feel better about ourselves.
3. Halcyon
Definition - calm and undisturbed
Synonyms – happy, golden
Antonyms – turbulent, hectic
E.g. Because the waters are halcyon, today is a great day for a boat trip.
4. knave
Definition - a dishonest individual
Synonyms – rogue, scoundrel
Antonyms – angel
E.g. The knave volunteered to clean the church so he could have access to the petty cash box.
5. Perish
Definition - rot or decay
Synonyms –die, expire
Antonyms –survive, exist
E.g. The fruits did not perish because they were packed in ice.