1. Who among the following is the Union Rural Development Minister?
1) Rajendra Singh
2) M.K Shukla
3) Choudhary Birender Singh
4) Mayadhar Raut
5) Ajay Kamat
2. 'UNESCO' headquarters is located in
1) Manila
2) Paris
3) Geneva
4) London
5) Havana
3. The full form of 'FIPB' is
1) Foreign Investment Promotion Board
2) Foreign Infrastructure Payment Board
3) Foreign Investment Payment Board
4) Fund of Infrastructure Promotion Board
5) Fund of Investment Promotion Board
4. 'P–Notes is related to ––
1) Computer
2) Accounting
3) Currency
4) Game
5) Insurance
5. What is the capital of 'Jordan'?
1) Amman
2) Perth
3) Male
4) Kano
5) Beirut
6. Which of the following country is the biggest trading partner of India?
1) Russia
2) China
3) UAE
4) USA
7. Economics is a–
1) Computer Science
2) Social Science
3) General Science
4) Environment Science
5) Physical Science
8. Which of the following blood group is universal donor?
1) O
2) B
3) A
4) AB
5) None of these
9. Who is the Prime Minister of 'Japan'?
1) Ko–La–Sene
2) Shinzo Abe
3) Jiang Yi–Huah
4) Huyang–Te–Yi
5) Neoki–Jio–Sa
10. Indian fighter aircraft MIG–21 is being phased out and aircraft MIG 29 are being procured from which country?
1) Russia
2) Japan
3) South Korea
4) Indonesia
5) USA
Answers :
1. 32. 2
3. 1
4. 2
5. 1
6. 2
7. 2
8. 1
9. 2
10. 1