1.Absorptive :
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: absorbent
Synonyms: assimilative, bibulous, penetrable, permeable, spongy
2.Heinous :
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: horrifying, monstrous
Synonyms: abhorrent, abominable, accursed, atrocious, awful, bad, beastly, crying, cursed, evil, execrable .
Antonyms: glorious, good, lovely, magnificent, wonderful
3.Anticipation :
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: expectation
Synonyms: apprehension, awaiting, contemplation, expectancy, foresight, foretaste, high hopes, hope .
Antonyms: amazement, astonishment, doubt, fear, sensation, surprise, wonder .
4.Sanguine :
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: happy; optimistic
Synonyms: animated, assured, buoyant, cheerful, confident, enthusiastic, expectant, hopeful.
Antonyms: depressed, pessimistic, sad, unhappy .

5. Obstacle :
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: impediment, barrier
Synonyms: Catch-22, bar, block, booby trap, bump, catch, check, clog, crimp, difficulty, disincentive.
Antonyms: advantage, assistance, blessing, clearance, help
6.Contra :
Part of Speech: preposition
Definition: opposite to
Synonyms: across, adjacent, con, contra, contrary to, counter to, facing, in contrast to, in opposition to, opposed to, opposing, versus.
7.Conviction :
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: belief, opinion
Synonyms: confidence, creed, doctrine, dogma, eye, faith, feeling, judgment call, mind, persuasion, principle, reliance, say so, sentiment, slant, tenet, view
8.Mundane :
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: ordinary
Synonyms: banal, commonplace, day-to-day, earthly, everyday, humdrum, lowly, normal, prosaic, routine.
Antonyms: exciting, extraordinary, heavenly, supernatural, wonderful