1. Soporific
Meaning: tending to induce drowsiness or sleep., a drug or other substance that induces drowsiness or sleep.
Synonym: sleeping pill, sleeping potion, sedative, narcotic, opiate;
Antonym: invigorating, stimulant
Sentence: "the motion of the train had a somewhat soporific effect"
Meaning: ostentatiously costly and luxurious.
Synonym: luxurious, sumptuous, palatial
Antonym: penniless, poor, impoverished, penurious
Sentence: "the opulent comfort of a limousine"
3. Sobriquet
Meaning: a person's nickname.
Synonym: alias, byname, cognomen, epithet
Sentence: "she was a vast and haughty person who answered to the sobriquet ‘Duchesse’"
Meaning: underhand, unscrupulous, or dishonest behaviour or activities.
Synonym: trickery, swindling, fraudulence
Sentence: "a firm that investigates commercial skulduggery"
5. Sinister
Meaning: giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen.
Synonym: menacing, threatening, ominous
Antonym: auspicious, benign, bright, encouraging, favorable
Sentence: "there was something sinister about that murmuring voice"
6. Ambidextrous
Meaning: able to use the right and left hands equally well.
Synonym: two-handed, equipoised
Antonym: right-handed
Sentence: "few of us are naturally ambidextrous"