1. Which mixture is homogeneous?
2. Who is the author of the book ‘Nice Guys Finish Second’?
3. Book of poems entitled ‘Lamhe Lamhe’ is written by which Indian actress?
4. In which ocean are Hawaiian islands are located?
5. In which year was the first Indian Councils Act passed?
6. Which organelle is present in bacteria or prokaryotic cell ?
7. After howmany years One-third of the members of the Rajya Sabha retire?
8. If the density of water is 1 gcm-3 in C.G.S. System, what is its value in M.K.S. system?
9. Amravati, Bhavani, Hemavati and Kabini are tributaries of which river?
10. By whom was the Doctrine of Lapse introduced?
11. What is temporary tax levied to obtain additional revenue?
12. Which author won the Booker Prize twice?
13. Which hormone contains iodine?
14. Which soil is most suitable for cultivation of cereals?
15. Who were the ashta-diggaja in the court of Krishnadeva Raya ?
16. By whom the oath to a High Court Judge is administered?
17. The highest temperature is achieved in which type furnance?
18. Who among the following is the first Asian Winner of Nobel Prize?
19. What are the plants of tropical and sub-tropical regions called?
20. Which Bahmani ruler built the famous Gol Gumbaj at Bijapur?
Answer :
1. Methanol and water
2. Michael Hammer
3. Deepti Naval
4. North Pacific Ocean
5. 1861
6. Ribosomes
7. Second year
8. 103 kg m-3
9. Cauvery
10. Lord Dalhousie
11. Surcharge
12. J.M. Coetzee
13. Thyroxine
14. Alluvial soils
15.Eight telugu poets
16. Governor
17. Electric
18. Rabindranath Tagore
19. Mesotherms
20. Muhammd Adil Shah