General Studies Quiz - 21 For SSC CGL,SSC CHSL,UPSC,ESIC and Railway Exams

1. In which year was Railway Budget in India separated from general budget?
2. What is the connecting link between Annelida and Arthropoda?
3. Which High Court has jurisdiction over the State of Arunachal Pradesh?
4. Which climate factor has the least effect upon terrestrial ecosystem?
5. Mostly inh which form was the literature of the Sangam Age written?
6. Which group have quantities that do not have the same dimension ?
7. Which Indian became the President of International Court of Justice?
8. Which Asian languages are UN official languages ?
9. One day in Mumbai a tide occurs at 8.00 A.M. when will it occur the next day?
10. Who was the founder of Sunga dynasty?
11. What is not a digestive enzyme in human system?
12. The distribution of seats of the Parliament are based on which census?
13. Which element is responsible for blue baby syndrome?
14. Which has geographical position of 0 degree latitude and 0 degree longitude?
15. Which Mughals is regarded more as an adventurer than a ruler?
16. In the short run, a producer,’ how long continues his production?
17. Who is the author of the book “The Argumentative India”?
18. The release of which fish into ponds and wells helps in controlling the mosquitoes ?
19. Which conditions are not favourable for the growth of coral rects ?
20. Who was the first Indian ruler to organise Haj pilgrimage at the expense of the state?

Answer :

1. 1924-25
2. Peripatus
3. Mumbai
4. Wind
5. Poetry form
6. Force, Impulse
7. Dr. Nagendra Singh
8. Chinese and Arabic
9. 8: 26 A.M.
10. Pushyamitra
11. Gastrin
12. 1971
13. Nitrate
14. In the South Atlantic Ocean
15. Babar
16.Fixed cost
17. Arnartya Sen
18. Gambusia fish
19. Fresh water
 20. Akbar

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