General Studies Quiz - 17 For SSC CGL,SSC CHSL,UPSC,ESIC and Railway Exams

1. By which an element is best characterized?
2. Which is the maximum spoken language in the world?
3. Which is the longest passenger rail route in India?
4. Daily weather map showing isobars is an example of which map?
5. Which was not included in the Eight Fold Path prescribed by Buddha?
6. ‘Darwin finches’ refers to a group of which creatrue?
7. At where were the High Courts in India first started?
8. Which electromagnetic radiation has the smallest wavelength?
9. Evergreen oak forests are found at the height between how many meters?
10. In which language did Buddha preach?
11. In which year Swarn Jayanti Gram Swa-Rozgar Yojna came into being?
12. Country is the new member of International Coffee Organisation?
13. Of which dried flower buds are used as a spice?
14. In which time does a ship crosses Date line from west to east?
15. Which ruler assumed the title of Hazrat-i-Ala?
16. By whom is the conditions of service and tenure of the Election Commissioner prescribed?
17. Which is the softest?
18. Where is the headquarters of African Export and Import Bank?
19. What is an upper air wind system with very high velocities in certain parts of the atmosphere?
20. By whom was Din-i-Ilahi was accepted?

Answer :

1. By its atomic number
2. Mandarin
3. Kanyakumari and Jammu Tawi
4. Chropleth map
5. Right knowledge
6. Birds
7. Bombay, Madras, Calcutta
8. Gamma rays
9. 2700 and 4000 metres
10. Pali
11. April 1999
12. Vietnam
13. Cloves
14.One day
15. Sher Shah Suri
16. Parliament
17. Sodium
18. Egypt
19. Jet stream
20. Birbal

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