Next »»General Studies Quiz - 14
2. Who was the first Foreign Minister of free India?
3. Chlorine acts as a bleaching agent only in the presence of which thing?
4. Which is the longest Railway Tunnel?
5. Where was the seat of the first Republic of the world in 6th century BC?
6. What is the principal source of revenue to the State Government in India?
7. Which UN body deals with population problem?
8. Jointed appendages are characteristic of which phylum?
9. Which Australian state is an island?
10. By which ruler was Pataliputra chosen for the first time as a capital?
11. Of which country Indian Constitution closely follows the constitutional system?
12. During adiabatic compression of a gas, what is the its temperature?
13. Where and when was the first official Non-Aligned Movement Summit held?
14. How much is the portion of the earth’s surface covered with water roughly?
15. During the time of Harshavardhana, where was a great Buddhist assembly held?
16. In which policy India opted for ‘Mixed Economy’?
17. Plant and animal living in a particular area, what is it called?
18. What is the life of Rajya Sabha?
19. Which oceans does not have a north south submarine ridge?
20. To whom is the phrase 'The Light of Asia' applied?
Answer :
1. Development of forest
2. Jawaharlal Nehru
3. Moisture
4. Tanna (Japan)
5. Vaishali
6. Sales Tax
9. Tasmania
10. Udayin
11. UK
12. Rises
13. Belgrade, 1961
14. Two-third
15. Prayag
16. Industrial Policy of 1948
17. Community
18. Permanency
19. Pacific ocean
20. Buddha
Pre««General Studies Quiz - 12
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