Longest and Shortest in the World

1. The largest and highest plateau in the world is the Pamir mountain, called the "roof of the world", which is still being formed by the collisions of the Indo-Australian and Eurasian tectonic plates. 7,649 m high .

2.The largest is the Sahara Desert , a subtropical desert in northern Africa. It covers a surface area of about 90,64,958 km² .

3. Baltic Sea White is the longest canal .

4.Greenland is largest of all islands .

5.June 21 is longest day observed.

6. Sahara is largest desert in world.

7.Andes mountain range is longest mountain range in the world.

8.Australia is the smallest continent .

9.December 22 is observed as shortest day.

10. Neptune is the coldest planet .

11. Giraffe is the tallest animal .

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