2.National investment infrastructure fund (NIF) - 20000 crores
3.ATAL innovation scheme -150 crores
4. SAFE INDIA & nirbhaya fund - 1000 crores
5. SETU (self employment and talent utilization) - 1000 crores
6.Pradhan mantri kaushal vikas yojana (PMKVY) - 1500 crores
7. INDHRADHUNASH banking scheme fiscal 2015-16 - 20000 crores
8. Rajiv gandhi panchyati sahastikaran abhiyan - 2 lakh crores ( 2.4 lakh panchyats)
9. LPG subsidy pay out -40591 crores

10. IAF india aspiration fund - 2000 crores
11.SMILE FUND SIDBI make india loan for enterprises -10000 crores
12 Jal marg vikas project ( National water way -1 ) - 4200 crores
13. NABARD Credit to farmers for irrigation - 30000 crores
14. ATIF Agri tech infrastrcture fund - 200 crores ( 250 mandis)
15.Central Victim Compensation Fund(CVCF) - 200 crore
16.Varistha pension bhima yojana ( name of atal ) - 6095 crores
17. CAMPA-compensatory afforestation fund mangement planning authority - 3800 crores
18. IRFC indian railway finance cooperation to facility india railways through LIC - 1.5 lak cr
19.EPFO employemnt provident fund organisation - 2000 crores fro FY2015
20. FAME faster adoption and manufacturing of hybrid electric vehicle - 795 crores
21.OROP - Rs 500 Crore
22.Skill India - 500 Million jobs by 2020
23. Proposal for shipbuilding industry - 4000 crore rupees
24. National War Memorial at India gate -Rs 500 crore
25. National Watershed Management Project Neeranchal - Rs. 2142.30 crore - 9 States
26. Green Indian Mission - 4 states-Rs. 90,202.68 lakh
27. e-Tourist Visa Scheme -37 added total 150 countries
28. IPDS Scheme - Rs. 500 core
29. All-round development of J&K - Rs. 80,000 cr
30. WB Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS) - 1000 Days - Rs 1,474 crore
31. Odisha - Amo doli Programme-183 remote villages-to help naxal-affected people
32. Mission Abbas - Odisha to provide affordable houses to urban poor
33. Delhi Govt&Bill Banvao, Inaam Pao scheme - Min Rs.100
34. 50 districts in Uttar Pradesh declared drought-hit
35. Telangana Government declared 231 mandals as drought-hit - Rs.1,000 crore
36. Chhattisgarh declares 7 tehsils as drought hit
37. Jharkhand Government declares entire state as drought hit
38. Maharashtra Drought hit Villages 14708
39. Maharashtra - APJ Abdul Kalam Amrut Yojna -16 district
40. Maharashtra - Gopinath Munde Farmers Accident Insurance Scheme - Rs two lakh: 10-75 year age group - Rs 27.25 crore
41.Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG) Sabla- Rs 27486.79 lakhs
42. Blue revolution - Rs 3,000 crore
43. Swadesh Darshan scheme - Beating Retreat - Rs 99 crore
44.Ganga Gram Yojana - Uttar Pradesh 1600 villages
45 Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao expanded to 61 more districts in 2016
46. Start Up India, Stand Up India - Rs 10,000 crore ,4 years
