1.Overtly :
Part of Speech: adverb
Definition: candidly
Synonyms: frankly, honestly, on the up and up, openly, overtly, truly, truthfully, veraciously
Antonyms: deceitful, devious, lying, shady, underhanded
2. Palpable :
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: clear, obvious
Synonyms: apparent, appreciable, arresting, believable, blatant, certain, colorable, conspicuous .
Antonyms: hidden, obscure, unclear, vague
3.Slack :
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: loose, baggy; inactive
Synonyms: dull, easy, feeble, flabby, flaccid, flexible, flimsy, inert, infirm, laggard, lax, leisurely, limp, not taut, passive, quaggy, quiet, relaxed, sloppy, slow, slow-moving, sluggish, soft, supine, unsteady, weak
Antonyms: rigid, stiff, taut, tight
4.Mire :
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: delay, catch up in
Synonyms: bog down, cling, decelerate, detain, dirty, embroil, enmesh, ensnare, entangle.

5.Buoyancy :
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: tendency to float
Synonyms: elasticity, resilience
Antonyms: depression
6.Regime :
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: leadership of organization
Synonyms: administration, dynasty, establishment, government, incumbency.
7.Presumption :
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: belief, hypothesis
Synonyms: anticipation, apriorism, assumption, basis, chance, conjecture, grounds, guess, likelihood .
Antonyms: reality, truth
8.Hinterland :
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: backcountry
Synonyms: boondocks, boonies, borderland, brush, bush country, frontier, outback, sticks, wasteland, wilderness, woods.