Physics Quiz for Railways and SSC

1.The period of pendulum depend upon________.

 1.  Mass
2.  Length
3.  Amplitude
 4.  Energy

2. A red flower kept in green light will appear___.

 1. Red
 2. Green
 3. White
 4. Black

3. SI unit of luminous intensity is___________?


4. The change of a solid into vapour directly is called________.


5. Sound waves in air are________.


6. Magnetism at the centre of a bar magnet is_______.

 1. high
 2. maximum
 3. around- zero
 4. minimum or maximum

7. Sound of frequency below 20 Hz is called______. sounds

8.Of the following natural phenomena, tell which one known in Sanskrit as 'deer's thirst'?


9.Supersonic aircraft fly with the speed_____.

1.less than the speed of sound of sound
2.greater than the speed of sound
3. light speed
4. More than light speed

10.In which of the following industries is mica as a raw material?

 1. Cement
 2. Glass and Pottery
3.  Iron and Steel
 4. Electrical

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