1. Union Government released a commemorated postal stamp on .......?
Ans : Zoological survey of India
2. Who was MMA Ramaswamy who recently passed away ?
Ans : Founder of Chettinadu Group of Industries
3. International Day of the abolition of slavery observed on ...?
Ans : 2nd December
4. Which country parliament has recently voted for the military action against Islamic State ?
Ans : Britain
5. Recently .....country entered the longest recession ?
Ans : Brazil
6. International Day of persons with disability day observed on.....?
Ans : 3rd December
7. Regional center for Biotechnology will be established at ..........
Ans : Faridabad
8. Recently passed Bureau of Indian Standards 2015 has replaced by ....?
Ans : Bureau of Indian Standards Act 1986
9. ....Agency has been honoured with E-India Award .
Ans : Delhi Development Authority
10.Who won gold medal in world body building and physique championship ?
Ans : Thakur Anoop Singh
Ans : Zoological survey of India
2. Who was MMA Ramaswamy who recently passed away ?
Ans : Founder of Chettinadu Group of Industries
3. International Day of the abolition of slavery observed on ...?
Ans : 2nd December
4. Which country parliament has recently voted for the military action against Islamic State ?
Ans : Britain
5. Recently .....country entered the longest recession ?
Ans : Brazil
6. International Day of persons with disability day observed on.....?
Ans : 3rd December
7. Regional center for Biotechnology will be established at ..........
Ans : Faridabad
8. Recently passed Bureau of Indian Standards 2015 has replaced by ....?
Ans : Bureau of Indian Standards Act 1986
9. ....Agency has been honoured with E-India Award .
Ans : Delhi Development Authority
10.Who won gold medal in world body building and physique championship ?
Ans : Thakur Anoop Singh