Vocabulary From Today (31/Jan)Hindu Editorial

Revelations - a usually secret or surprising fact that is made known

Heir - a person who has the right to become a king or queen or to claim a title when the person holding it dies

Apparent - obvious

Sporadically - occurring at irregular intervals or online in a few places (Scattered)

Espousal - the act of expressing support for a cause or belief

Fisherfolk - a people who catch fish for living

Superseded - to take the place or position

Advocacy - recommendations or support for a particular issue

Comic - st  or meant cause laughter.

Delegate -A person sent or authorised to represent others

Anathema - something or someone that one Vehemently

sans - without

Muster - formal gathering of groups especially for inspection

Threshold  - the point or level at which something begins or changes

Veto - refuse to accept or allow

Hoax - trick or deceive

Unequivocal - leaving no doubt

Sporadically - occurring at irregular to intervals only in a few places

Thanks Periandavar & P.Kiran for valuable updated .
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